Τετάρτη 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

ETC: +22% για την Ελλάδα το 2014!!!

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Η υποχώρηση των τιμών και η ανάκαμψη των επαγγελματικών ταξιδιών το 2014, οδήγησε τον ελληνικό τουρισμό σε έναν από τους υψηλότερους ρυθμούς αύξησης στην Ευρώπη και στη Μεσόγειο, βέβαια...
Σύμφωνα με την τελευταία έκθεση της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής Τουρισμού (ΕΤC), «European Tourism – Trends & Prospects» η τουριστική ανάπτυξη στην Ελλάδα ήταν της τάξης του +22%.
Παράλληλα, σύμφωνα με την ίδια έκθεση το 2015 θα είναι μια πολύ θετική χρονιά για την τουριστική ανάπτυξη στην Ευρώπη, με αναμενόμενη αύξηση 2-3%.
Άλλες χώρες με ισχυρή ανάπτυξη το 2014 ήταν η Ισλανδία (+ 24%), η Λετονία (+ 15%), η Σερβία (+ 12%), η Ρουμανία, η Τσεχική Δημοκρατία, η  Ισπανία (+ 9%), η Μάλτα (+ 7%), η Σλοβενία (6%), η Κροατία (+ 5%) και η Τουρκία (+ 5%).
Παράλληλα, σύμφωνα με τις εκτιμήσεις του Παγκόσμιου Οργανισμού Τουρισμού, το 2014ο Τουρισμός στην Ευρώπη αυξήθηκε κατά 4%, φθάνοντας συνολικά στα 588 εκατ αφίξεις, 22 εκατομμύρια περισσότερες σε σχέση με το 2013. Μάλιστα για πέμπτη συνεχή χρονιά, ο διεθνής τουρισμός στην Ευρώπη είχε αύξηση που υπερέβη το 2,4%, που αποτελεί το μέσο όρο των προβλέψεων για την περίοδο 2010-2025.

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International tourism in Europe set a new record in 2014. 
For 2015, ETC expects the European tourism sector to continue gr owing around its long - term annual average growth. 
However, d ark clouds seem to be gathering over the waters in which the European tourism has been sailing over the past years . Brussels, 16 th February 2015 . International tourism in Europe mark ed a new all times high in 2014, a ccording to the European Travel Commission’s latest report “European Tourism – Trends & Prospects” . Most ETC members report ed faster growth than the regional average (+4%) , only dragged down by reduced tourists’ flows in the Eastern pa rt of Europe. The recovery of major source markets, efforts in promoting travel off - season and themed promotional activities are among the factors that mostly contributed to a nother successful year. Notwithstanding a fter five consecutive years of healthy g rowth, the current geopolitical and economic scenario generates uncertaint y about the future development of tourism in the whole region . For 2015, ETC expects the European tourism sector to continue to grow , slightly slower , between 2% and 3%. N ew all time s high for international arrivals to Europe in 2014 The sun shone bright on the European tourism sector throughout 2014 . UNWTO 1 , the UN agency for tourism, expects the Europe an tourism sector to have grown by 4% last year, reaching a total of 588 million v isits, a 22 million increase on 2013. For the fifth consecutive year, international tourism in the region grew above the 2.4% average rate forecast for the period 2010 - 2025 2 . 
Two in three ETC members report ed growth above the regional average ( + 4%). E mergi ng destinations reaped the benefit of investments in their tourism potential and reach ed stunning growth rates . Iceland (+24%), Latvia (+15%), Serbia (+12%), Romania and Czech Republic (both at +11%) are among the 10 ETC members who grew fastest in 2014. 
W ithin the top 10 , there are also some l arge destinations, mainly from Southern and Mediterranean Europe. In th is area, growth is led by Greece (22%) , driven by the recovery of business travel and price convenience; and Spain (+9%) , where the vibrant touris m sector has been praised as an excellence of the Spanish economy in turbulent times 3 . Malta (+7%), Slovenia (6%), Croatia (+5%) and Turkey (+5%) also positively contribute d to this performance . Tourism proves a profitable business all along the value cha in. Confidence in the h otel sector remains high, with data pointing to improved occupancy and profits. Optimism is backed by air traffic data . Despite repeated disruptions caused by strikes in the last quarter of 2014, air traffic indicators grew at a fast er pace than in 2013 . 
Air passenger traffic between Europe and the Americas was particularly strong , as a result of the strengthening dollar and recovering economies in the euro area. Long - haul markets lead growth, on top of a strong regional market The r ecovery of major source markets, marketing efforts in promoting travel outside the peak season and themed promotional activities are among the factors that mostly contributed to a successful year. Data point ed to a recovery of short breaks, on top of the m ain holidays, especially for top markets such as Germany and UK. Positive expectations for the Eurozone recovery , foreseen to eventually gather some pace , bode well for the regional market to remain a stalwart supporter of growth. 
Data paint a bleaker pict ure for the Russia n market , not last as the cr isis in Eastern Ukraine extends in time. The vast majority of ETC reporting destinations re cord ed sharp declines in visits from this market , with a few notable exception s: in Serbia , UK and Iceland visits went up by two digits. Russian visits to Italy, Montenegro, Turkey and Cyprus were also positive . Moreover , Russian o utbound travel is expected to mirror the deep economic recession expected for 2015, with the first signs of recovery postponed to 2016. In the U S, the a cceleration of economic growth, the appreciation of the dollar against the euro and the decreasing air fares result ed in a strong performance of this market. US c onsumer spending is expected to further strengthen on the back of an improved labour m arket and sustained GDP growth. 
A similar optimistic outlook is reported for China, a market sized at 26 million arrivals to long - haul destinations in 2014, and whose growth in Europe is projected at a handsome rate of 6% per year over the next few years. Third tier long - haul markets, such as Argentina and the UAE, also show positive prospects in the near term, while the picture remains gloomier for Japan and Brazil, as a reflection of a deteriorated economic situation. Sailing through rough seas? Yet, d ar k clouds may be gatherin g over the waters, in which European tourism is sailing, and slow down its pace of growth. Growth prospects for the Eurozone may fail under the threat of intensified downside risks . 
Following the January events in Paris, the threat of more terror attacks in Europe may produce ripple effects to other European destinations. 
Markets in Asia, where safety is a key factor in travel related decisions, and the USA may prove particularly vulnerable to increasing tensions. For 2015, ETC expec ts the European tourism sector to continue at a cruising speed around its long - term annual average growth between 2% and 3%.

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