Τρίτη 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

"Περίεργα" νούμερα για την Αίγυπτο

Αύξηση των εσόδων, αύξηση των τουριστών, αλλά μείωση των διανυκτερεύσεων πέτυχε η Αίγυπτος το 2014, σύμφωνα με τον υπουργό Τουρισμού της χώρας.
Πιο αναλυτικά το 2014 η Αίγυπτος πέτυχε έσοδα 7,5 δισ δολαρίων, σημειώνοντας αύξηση 27% σε σχέση με το 2013, 10 εκ. αφίξεις, έναντι 9,5 εκ. το 2013 και 94 εκ. διανυκτερεύσεις, έναντι 97 εκ. το 2013.
Σίγουρα τα νούμερα αυτά και μεταξύ τους είναι δύσκολο να "συμφωνήσουν", αλλά και με την γενικότερη εικόνα που παρουσίασε η αιγυπτιακή αγορά το 2014, δεν συνάδουν...
Ένα ενδιαφέρον ρεπορτάζ ακολουθεί:
"According to Tourism Minister Hisham Zaazou, last year Egypt’s tourism income increased to $7.5bn, a growth of 27% compared to the year before. Compared to 9.5 million tourists in 2013, tourists arriving to Egypt increased to 10 million last year. Zaazou said the number of nights spent by tourists in 2014, however, decreased to 94 million nights, compared to 97 million nights in 2013. 
Tourism is considered one of the most important sources of income for Egypt, along with Suez Canal revenues and remittances from Egyptians living abroad. Tourists arriving to Egypt decreased during the first half of last year by 33%, while in the second half it reached 54% due to increased political stability. The first quarter of last year observed the bombing of a tourist bus near the Taba border with Israel that resulted in the killing of three individuals, leading to a decrease in tourist income by 43%. In 2014, tourism expenditure reached $81.3 per day, compared to $63.3 by the end of the year before, according to Tourism Minister’s economic adviser, Adela Ragab. 
He said that tourism expenditure will increase this year with an increase in flow. Despite the collapse in value of the Russian rouble in the last year, there were still 3 million Russian tourists by the end of 2014. According to the official the ministry hopes to reach a tourist income of $10bn in 2015. However, this depends on the security situation in the country.

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