Πέμπτη 9 Οκτωβρίου 2014

"Κανόνι" από την ισπανική Transhotel (UPDATED)

- Απάντηση πριν από λίγο της Transhotel, 3+1 μήνες προθεσμία για διαβουλεύσεις...

Μας πρόλαβε ο φίλος μου ο "λομπίστας" σήμερα για το διαφαινόμενο "κανόνι" του ισπανικού ομίλου Transhotel. 
Όπως έγραψε το tourimlobby "ο ισπανικός όμιλος Transhotel που μεταξύ άλλων ελέγχει και τα portal ξενοδοχειακών κρατήσεων «hotelplease!” και “bookingexpress” με πάνω από 50.000 συνεργαζόμενα ξενοδοχεία και 60.000 τουριστικά γραφεία σε όλο τον κόσμο, απέτυχε να βρει επενδυτή, ενώ είχε υποβάλει και αίτηση να μπει σε καθεστώς προστασίας από τους πιστωτές της και φαίνεται ότι περνάει σε διαδικασία πτώχευσης. 
Οι ιστοσελίδες του ομίλου, δεν λειτουργούν από χθες το απόγευμα. Εκτιμάται ότι ο όμιλος είχε χρέη ύψους 30 εκατ. Ευρώ προς ξενοδοχειακές επιχειρήσεις ενώ το σύνολο των οφειλών του αποτιμάται σε περίπου 50 εκατ. Ευρώ. 
Το τελευταίο διάστημα κατέβαλε προσπάθεια να διαχειριστεί τις οφειλές του και βρισκόταν σε συζητήσεις εξαγοράς του από τον όμιλο Hotusa, οι οποίες απέβησαν άκαρπες.
Ο όμιλος έχει 500 άτομα προσωπικό". 
Πριν από λίγο απάντησε ο πρόεδρος της εταιρίας Anselmo de la Cruz, ο οποίος τόνισε ότι θα συνεχιστούν για 4 μήνες οι συνομιλίες με όλους τους εμπλεκομένους για να βρεθεί λύση που θα διασφαλίζει τα συμφέροντα των εργαζόμενων, των ταξιδιωτών, των πρκατόρων, και όλων των συνεργατών.
Ένα πρωτογενές ρεπορτάζ ακολουθεί: 
Bed bank goes into administration Spanish travel giant Transhotel Group, which includes the bed bank hotelplease! has gone into administration after a deal to sell the business fell through. It is understood that it has temporarily ceased taking reservations as it tries to restructure its debt, which is believed to be around €50 million. Payments to creditors have been suspended. President Anselmo de la Cruz announced to the company's 600 employees at 22 offices around the world that the group has started talks with its creditors to try to renegotiate its debt. He said that under Spanish law the hotel group has up to four months to reach an agreement. It is understood that if it fails, it will be forced into bankruptcy, but he said talks were 'favourable'. He added: "In these moments, our primary objective is to ensure the viability of the business, and minimise the impact of these events in the industry and ensure the rights of employees, customers, and our business travellers." The Madrid-based company has contracts with about 50,000 hotels worldwide and sells through more than 60,000 agencies, including many in the UK. It is estimated to owe around €30 million to hotels and its total debt is believed to stand at €50 million. Reports in the Spanish media say the company has been struggling financially for the past year. The company, established in 1994, is understood to have suspended payments to its suppliers on Tuesday after failing to reach an agreement to sell the business to Barcelona-based Hotusa Group. The two had been talking on and off for months, but the offer by Hotusa boss Amancio Lopez to is believed to have been refused by the family-owned business. Earlier plans for equity fund Springwater to take over Transhotel also failed. Many managers are understood to have left the company in recent months. Chief marketing officer Marcos Franco tweeted yesterday: "Today, one of the most bitter days of my professional life, I ask God to give me strength and clarity to continue to give my best. Come on!"

Η πλήρης απάντηση της εταιρίας:
Dear colleagues,
As many of you are already aware, Grupo Transhotel has submitted a Voluntary
Company Arrangement to the competent authorities, in accordance with Article 5
bis Ley Concursal (Insolvency Act, Spain). This said Voluntary Company
Arrangement provides us with a period of (3) three months (extendable by one
further month), to negotiate with the different creditors to in order for the payment
of debts incurred to date.
At present, our primary and only objective is to ensure the viability of the company,
minimise the maximum impact of these events within the industry, and to
guarantee the rights of employees, clients, travellers and travel service providers
that are relevant to us and our business activity. Talks with creditors, which have
already commenced, are moving towards building an enabling situation for
overcoming this Voluntary Company Arrangement.
The approximately 600 company employees in Spain and its 22 international
delegations are fully aware of the situation and are currently carrying out their
respective responsibilities in accordance with the established guidelines.
I would like to personally convey my thanks for your continued support.
My only wish is that everything returns to normal as soon as possible, as all our
efforts are orientated towards this goal.
Thank you.
Anselmo de la Cruz
President - Grupo Transhotel

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