Παρασκευή 20 Αυγούστου 2010

Νέα ξενοδοχεία στην Αμερική...

Επενδυτικός οργασμός στον ξενοδοχειακό τομέα στην αμερικανική ήπειρο, καθώς σύμφωνα με έρευνα της Lodging Econometrics (LE), το 2012 το 2012 θα λειτουργήσουν 149 ξενοδοχεία με 21.701 δωμάτια, έναντι 162 ξενοδοχείων με 22.839 δωμάτια το 2010 και 153 ξενοδοχείων με 22.780 δωμάτια το 2011. Μάλιστα στη Νότιο Αμερική θα υπάρξει υψηλό τριετίας όσον αφορά σε νέα ξενοδοχεία.
Και για όσους ενδιαφέρονται ιδιαίτερα ακολουθούν τα σημαντικότερα σημεία της έρευνας:

"New Openings in South America will surge to cyclical highs over the next three years. 67 hotels/9,763 rooms are expected to open in 2012, preceded by nearly identical new supply additions of 64 hotels/9,014 rooms in 2010 and 67 hotels/10,145 rooms in 2011. 62% of those New Openings will be in Brazil, one of the fastest growing global economies and having the world’s 7th largest Pipeline.
Mexico’s New Openings are on the rise from a cyclical low of 20 hotels/3,009 rooms in 2010 to 26 hotels/4,029 rooms in 2012. Mexico has the 8th largest Pipeline globally.
Conversely, New Openings in Canada have been declining since the 2008 cyclical peak when 66 hotels/7,784 rooms opened. A new bottom of 31 hotels/3,727 rooms is forecasted for 2012. Having the 9th largest global Pipeline, Canada shows declining Pipeline and New Opening trends similar to those seen in other developed countries worldwide.
Aided by a rebound in Construction Starts for projects already in the Pipeline and a strong uptick in recent New Project Announcements into the Pipeline, New Openings in South America will surge to new highs over the next three years, with 64 new hotels scheduled to open in 2010, 67 hotels in 2011 and 67 hotels in 2012. At the end of Q2, the region has a Total Construction Pipeline of 233 projects/38,215 rooms, down 37% and 39%, respectively, from the peak in Q1 2008. This is largely due to a reduction in European-based investment capital.
60% of New Openings in South America are in Brazil, where government-directed lending and incentives for developers are strong. This is also true for Argentina and Colombia. Brazil will be the host nation for the World Cup in 2014 and the Summer Olympics in 2016. These are significant global events and will serve as an investment catalyst, likely propelling Pipeline totals well into the new decade.
New Hotel Openings for Central America are projected at 12 hotels/2,134 rooms in 2012, preceded by 8 hotels/1,987 rooms in 2011, and 8 hotels/1,261 rooms in 2010. New Hotel Openings for the next three-year period represent the unfolding of over 60% of the current Pipeline, consisting of 44 projects/8,907 rooms. Panama, with 24 projects, and Costa Rica, with 13 projects, combine for 84% of total Pipeline projects in Central America.
In Mexico, New Hotel Openings have fallen far from the 2008 peak, but are set to bounce back slightly. The chain scale mix within Mexico’s Construction Pipeline has changed markedly. Earlier, it was populated primarily with large, beachfront resorts with a residential component. This has now changed to smaller-sized, select service projects in the interior of the country. With the country’s total Pipeline at 120 projects/19,040 rooms, 65% of these projects are now in the Upscale and Midscale chain scales, which have less difficulty securing financing. Only one-fifth of today’s projects are traditional full service, most of which are scheduled to exit the Pipeline as New Openings over the next three years.
In the Caribbean, just 13 hotels/2,048 rooms are forecasted to open in 2012. For 2010, 18 hotels/3,873 rooms will open, then 12 hotels/2,413 rooms in 2011. 65% of current projects will exit the Pipeline in the next two and a half years. With a total of 66 projects/14,141 rooms, the Caribbean Pipeline is now in a bottoming formation and is expected to remain there for some time. Over the past several quarters, the global recession, its attendent financing difficulties and the collapse of the vacation home market globally led to many Cancellations/Postponements of projects in the Pipeline and dampened new development initiatives. As a result, New Hotel Openings will remain in a steep downward trend. This is good news for operators. As hotel demand and rates improve, new supply coming online will be much easier to absorb and should aid in the operating recovery.
Like most developed countries, New Openings in Canada will continue to fall through 2012. After nine consecutive quarters of decline, the total Pipeline in Canada is at a record low of 141 projects/16,857 rooms. Development continues to be hampered by the global recession, with financing still difficult to obtain. As a result, New Project Announcements into the Pipeline will remain at cyclical lows, causing total Pipeline trends to decrease further".

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